Friday, December 9, 2011

The Delight Of Using A Golf Cart Instead

You probably just take them for granted when you play golf, and never think about their origin. I'm talking about golf carts, those miniature vehicles dotting every golf course.

However, golf cart production is a multi-million dollar industry and different models abound. They are treated as small cars, and golf-cart companies provide leasing and financing options just as the big car companies do.

Golf originates from a medieval game played on the coast of Scotland during the 15th century. Golfers would hit a pebble instead on a ball around the sand dunes using a stick or club.

As time passed, stones were exchanged for man-made balls, the earliest of which were thin leather bags stuffed with feathers. The gutta-percha ball was not invented until 1848 and could be hit a maximum distance of 225 yards.

In 1899 rubber balls were invented that could reach distances of 430 yards. Golf sticks evolved into carefully weighted golf clubs, and in the 1880's golf club bags first became fashionable.

The caddie, a servant who carted all the player's gear aound the golf course, had his burden lessened by the invention of the golf car in the early 1950's.

The first golf car manufacturers were E-Z-Go, Pargo, Harley Davidson and Cushman.

The price was astoundingly high for this era, $1200, but as more manufacturers entered the field it dropped to $600, still high in terms of inflation. E-Z-Go still manufactures golf cars today.

There are hundreds or golf car manufacturers listed on the internet, and most of these companies specialize in these small vehicles, and do not make larger cars.

The first golf cars were gas-powered, but recently the market has shifted to more battery-powered models. Golf carts can be customized just like cars, and lift kits and ATV wheels are sold to golfers who want to stand out on the course.

There are companies which specialize in creating entire custom golf cars, or miniaturized versions of full sized cars, such as the Humdinger (Humvee), mini Jeep, Rolls-Royce, Cadillac or Mercedes-Benz.

Golf carts come in 3 forms: manual push/pull carts, electric motorized carts, and electric or gas golf cars that hold passengers as well as gear.

Push/pull carts have 2 or 3 wheels and a vertical support for a golf bag. They are basically manual dollies with clips and holders especially adapted for golf gear, and sell for $50 to $100.

Moving up a level in sophistication, motorized golf caddies cost approximately $500 all the way up to $1000. Golf cars, which resemble dune buggies in size, start at about $1800 for a small basic model.

Ebay has a large selection of both new and used golf carts at low prices but service can be a problem with small vendors.

Manufacturers are also expanding their sales by renaming carts "Electric Utility Vehicles" and suggesting alternate uses for them, such as hauling lawn equipment and traveling around rural properties.
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Walk Your Way To A Better Golf Game

One of the best golfing tips I ever received came from my wife (of all people). For years she had been urging me to get more excercise than what I was normally getting through work and weekend golf. And for years, I had been brushing her off with every excuse imaginable. Not enough time, too cold outside, do it tomorrow, etc, etc, etc.

My wife, being the cagey woman she is, had a brainstorm and she shared it with me. . . and I'll share it with you.

If you're like me, you probably have a local country club where you play more often than not. For years, I'd been playing at this same club and listening to my buddies say, "What's on the other side of those trees?" or "What's around that dogleg?" Occasionally, I'd have to ask myself those same questions, which one might consider odd. Having spent so many hours on this course, one might assume I should know it like the back of my hand.

Truth is, I didn't know it very well at all. But I do now, and I owe this new-found knowledge to to my good wife.

Her suggestions was simple--and rewarding. Rather walk around the neighborhood (and have to listen to me grumble) she suggested we go to the club and walk a few holes each night. We'd do this in the evening when there were fewer players out and about. We'd pick three holes to walk, a different set each night, and as we walked I'd "look" at the hole's layout.

It's remarkable how much of the geography of a hole you miss when you're concentrating on playing that hole. Concentration is a good thing, don't get me wrong on that, but simply walking the hole, with no purpose other than being there, allows you to see just about everything there is to see on that particular hole. Also, when you're walking in the late day, you aren't being pushed by the group behind you. You can take your time, walk at your own comfortable pace, and take in the scenery, one step at a time.

A really great idea is to grab a score card and jot down notes as you go along. If you're into it, you can pace off distances, make little notes on how the ground rolls, or keep a note on just about anything for that matter.

After a few weeks of this, and a few times around all the holes at your course, you WILL know your course like the back of your hand, and your buddies will be amazed at how much better you are playing.

On top of that, you get some very good low-impact exercise.
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Putting: The Secret To Shaving Strokes

My friend and I were having coffee the other day and he was whining about how his game has become stale. He really believes he's reached a plateau where there are no more strokes to be gained during a round of golf. He was depressed, to say the least, but he was also wrong.

My buddy is no Sam Snead (and neither am I) but he's a solid player. His drives are usally reasonable in both distance and trajectory, meaning he doesn't hook or slice anymore than the rest of us. His mid-game is good, he knows how to choose and use his long irons, his close game is very good and he can get out of a bunker when he finds himself in one. All in all, a good solid game.

Until he gets on the green.

What I suggested to him is something I think we can all learn from. If you four or five putt most of the greens on your course, you're adding a lot of strokes to your overall score. My suggestion to my friend was that rather than try to improve the other parts of his game, if he would simply putt one less stroke (on those four and five putt holes) he'd shave a significant amount of strokes off his game. If he could take one putting stroke off each hole, he'd save 18 strokes!

Now if you're a good putter already, this probably won't work for you. But if you normally get on the green in regulation and then have to putt more than twice to get into the cup, well, maybe you, too, could shave some strokes off your game by simply improving your putting abilities.

There are a gazillion tips on putting--some work and some are just goofy--but nothing will improve your putting more than practice. My friend never spends time on the practice green and it shows when he's on the course. But in his case--and in a lot of other cases, I suspect--there is really no other part of his game that he can significantly improve. And, frankly, he doesn't need to spend time on his drive--he's got that nailed. He needs to spend time putting. That's what's killing his score card.

If you know--or even suspect--that your putting is poor, get off the driving range and get on the putting green. You will be amazed at how fast your putting can improve when you spend just a little time each week practicing those putts. That improvement will carry over to your next round of golf, too, and you'll see strokes simply fading away.

Practice those putts!
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Golf Swing Aids - Helpful Even If You're A Pro

Many golfers practice a great deal, and still never achieve the swing that they want to possess. If this sounds like you, you may benefit from golf swing aids. There are many golf swing aids on the market today that will help you greatly improve your swing in less time in most cases. Choosing the gold swing aids that are right for you, however, often presents a challenge.

One of the most popular golf swing aids in existence today is the launch monitor. These are showing up in more and more pro shops across the country and in other countries as well. These takes data from your golf swing to determine what club or clubs are best for you at certain distances, and even tell you how much spin you are putting on the ball. Personal renditions of these launch monitors are also available, and experts agree that the personal monitors are just as powerful as the more expensive ones used in the pro shops but golfers need to learn how to operate them properly for best results.

Another useful golf swing aid is the golf swing speed monitor. This little box sits on the ground directly across from you, with the ball in the middle. It should sit about six to eight inches away from the ball. It measures the speed of your swing. Increasing swing speed is vital if you want to improve your long game, and this little gadget can help you do just that, by telling you whether your swing speed exercises are doing any good. Training clubs, which are much heavier than your regular clubs, are also good for swing speed increases. They also help build strength and range of motion.

Golf training clubs and elbow braces are also great aids. These help to train you not to break your wrists when swinging, and to keep your form with your elbows during the swing as well. There are also lots of different training clubs available to help with specific problems, such as slices, and plane devices designed to help you improve your swing plane. There are even mats that are designed to help you line up your shot for an improved game! If you can imagine it, it exists!

There are swing aids available for any swing problem that you can imagine. But do they all work? Well, some work for some people, others work for other people, and some don't work for any people at all. Before rushing out to buy brand new training equipment, slow down and do your research. Talk to other golfers to find out what training equipment they have used, and what results they had with that equipment. Look for used equipment, and if it is reasonable, buy it and give it a try. You should also consider going in with some friends to purchase some training equipment that can be shared by a group.

Training aids are easy to find both online and offline but again, not all training equipment is right for you. Talk to a golf pro to find out what equipment you should consider, based on your skill level, and the specific problems you are having. Be careful if the golf pro you are talking to owns the shop you are standing in he is a salesman first, and a golf pro trying to help you improve your game second! Talk to other golfers before making a high ticket purchase!

The best information on the training equipment that is available will be found in online forums where golfers hang out and on the course where golfers also hang out. You can look for customer reviews, but they may not be accurate or even real. Talk to the real golfers who have really used the products to find out which golf swing aids are most likely to help you. Most golfers are very happy to help each other out with tips and advice you just have to be willing to take it! Some golfers are a bit more stubborn and a bit more traditional they don't want to allow technology to enter into the game of golf. Most of the golf swing aids you will find do represent technology but if this doesn't bother you, you should definitely take advantage of what's out there!
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Golf Club Shafts: So Important To Winning

This article dwells into the importance of the golf club shaft in the game, and lists the most important considerations.
Steel or Graphite Golf Club Shaft?
The two most important parts of the golf club which can spell the difference between winning and losing are the head and the shaft. The shaft of the golf club connects the grip to the head. Most modern golf club shafts are made of either steel or graphite.
Most manufacturers rate their shafts in one of six degrees of stiffness. From least to most stiff these are: Ladies (L); Seniors (A); Regular (R); Firm (F); Extra Firm (X); and Stiff (S).
Most golfers prefer a shaft that is stiffer, and manufacturers can only oblige. If you make the shaft super stiff, however, you can begin to affect distance and strength negatively.

Then there's the difference between steel and graphite golf shafts. Generally, if you have back problems or not very confident with the strength of your swing or drive, you should stick with the graphite variety.
Graphite golf club shafts reduce the weight of your club (you can really feel the difference if you've used steel shafts before). They weigh between 50-85 grams, while their steel counterparts generally start at 120 grams. Graphite shafts reduce the shock at impact. They also allow for longer clubs. But remember, longer clubs are good for distance, not for control.
Aldila graphite shafts are highly recommended. Their durability is proven. If you're the type who prefersn steel shafts, the most reliable brands are FM Precision, True Temper and Apollo. They are proven toughies in their class.

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