Friday, December 9, 2011

Golf Club Shafts: So Important To Winning

This article dwells into the importance of the golf club shaft in the game, and lists the most important considerations.
Steel or Graphite Golf Club Shaft?
The two most important parts of the golf club which can spell the difference between winning and losing are the head and the shaft. The shaft of the golf club connects the grip to the head. Most modern golf club shafts are made of either steel or graphite.
Most manufacturers rate their shafts in one of six degrees of stiffness. From least to most stiff these are: Ladies (L); Seniors (A); Regular (R); Firm (F); Extra Firm (X); and Stiff (S).
Most golfers prefer a shaft that is stiffer, and manufacturers can only oblige. If you make the shaft super stiff, however, you can begin to affect distance and strength negatively.

Then there's the difference between steel and graphite golf shafts. Generally, if you have back problems or not very confident with the strength of your swing or drive, you should stick with the graphite variety.
Graphite golf club shafts reduce the weight of your club (you can really feel the difference if you've used steel shafts before). They weigh between 50-85 grams, while their steel counterparts generally start at 120 grams. Graphite shafts reduce the shock at impact. They also allow for longer clubs. But remember, longer clubs are good for distance, not for control.
Aldila graphite shafts are highly recommended. Their durability is proven. If you're the type who prefersn steel shafts, the most reliable brands are FM Precision, True Temper and Apollo. They are proven toughies in their class.

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